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Magnets for NAGA glass board

Very strong magnets for NAGA boards

A magnetic glass board is really nice to have hanging in the home or office when it doesn't quite fit in with a whiteboard. The glass board gives a much more modern look. But unfortunately, many people come home with a glass board without having received proper advice about magnets for the board, and that is a great shame, because many are disappointed, as the magnets that are included are not particularly strong. They might just be able to hold up a single piece of paper. 

The advantage of the NAGA boards is that most people can afford them. But they are not particularly strong, so if you are going to use the glass board for magnets, you should consider buying some other magnets than the ones you get in the package. It is not the glass itself that is magnetic; it is the steel plate behind the glass. So you need a really strong, high-quality magnet if you want to become best friends with your NAGA magnetic board. 

Watch us take apart glass boards here

The best way to show why boards are different is on a video. So here you can see Mia separating 2 glass panels, so you can see the difference between high and low quality. 

Should one stay away from NAGA boards?

The short answer is no! As I said, the glass boards are affordable, so more people can afford a glass board from NAGA. You just have to be aware that it costs more in magnets because they have to be stronger than for a high-quality glass board. So if you don't have to use so many magnets, a low-cost board may be the answer. But if you will primarily use it for magnets and less as a writing board, then it may well pay to buy e.g. a Chatboard.

It is important for us to state in this context that we do not have a share in either NAGA or Chatboards, and that we sell magnets for all kinds of glass boards (we do not sell the boards themselves ). So this is just an objective assessment from a magnetic point of view and we always want to help you achieve your plan for your magnetic glass board no matter what kind you have purchased. 

See our bestsellers here - and read more below if you want to know more. 


Det er en udbredt misforståelse, at det er selve glasset i glastavler, der er magnetisk. Det er ikke glasset men derimod den magnetiske stålplade bag glasset, der er magnetisk, så hvis der ikke er brugt ren stål (af høj kvalitet), eller hvis der bruges en tyk glasplade til at lave magnettavlen med, så har man brug for nogle virkelig stærke magneter for at kunne bruge tavlens magnetisme - magnetfeltet skal jo fanges gennem glasset. 

Næste udfordring er så, når man køber en billig magnetisk glastavle, at man skal bruge super kraftige magneter. Men da magnetfeltet gennem glasset ikke er særligt stærkt, vil man opleve, at magneterne tiltrækkes hinanden, fordi deres tiltrækningskraft over for hinanden er 100 gange større end over for stålpladen gennem glasset. 

Derfor: husk at have mellemrum på tavlen mellem magneterne - min. 10 cm. men gerne mere hvis muligt. I modsat fald vil du hurtigt ende op med én stor klump supermagneter, der ikke er til at skille ad igen. Og i værste fald sker det med så høj fart, at magneterne splintres. 

Du er meget velkommen til at kontakte os, hvis du har brug for yderligere vejledning, når du skal købe supermagneter til din NAGA glastavle. 

Vi siger ikke, at du har gjort et dårligt køb. Du har bare brug for vejledning til at komme i gang med at bruge den fuldt ud. Så lad os hjælpe dig med at finde nogle stærke magneter til din glasttavle.