• Speedy delivery

  • We ship orders every day

  • 30 days return policy

  • Safe online shopping

Order on weekdays before 2 PM for same-day-shipment

Fast delivery within EU with FedEx & UPS

Return goods

Please use our return form

It should always be both easy to shop and easy to return products - and that is a goal for our customer return service. To always make things easy for you as a customer at Magnetpartner.

If you want to regret your purchase, that's not a problem. As a private customer, you simply have to return within 30 days of receiving your goods. And we offer 14-days return for companies. 

A purchase at the door in Glostrup (Denmark) is without right to return as other rules apply for direct shopping. So always make sure to place your order online before pick up or when you arrive (we have a computer in the warehouse that you can use for this purpose).

Returns must be in the same packaging as the one you received the goods in - or at least an equivalent packaging, as our products (especially the magnets) can be damaged when being returned in an envelope without additional protection. We cannot take back goods that have been damaged during the return as a result of poor packaging.

We will return the order amount to the payment card used when ordering a.s.a.p. (and within 7 working days). If you paid by invoice, you will receive a credit note to settle the first invoice.

Always remember to state the following when returning your order:

  • Customer nane
  • Order number
  • What should happen (exchange/full return)

We cannot take back custom-made goods (e.g. magnetic tape cut into pieces or printed magnets).

Please do not hesitate to contact our customer service if you have questions regarding your return order. We can be reached by e-mail and on the phone every weekday during opening hours. And we would like to help you.

NOTE! We do not accept return packages sent by "cash on delivery" or sent without delivery service. Returns must be made directly to our company address, which is: Ejby Industrivej 28A, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark.