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Magnetic calculator

Find the perfect magnets for your projects here with our magnetic calculators. 

Do you have questions about how to use our online magnetic calculators? Please do not hesitate contacting us - we are happy to help you at Magnetpartner.


Magnet calculator - for glass boards

How to use the magnetic calculator: Measure the thickness of the glass plate and adjust below. Then adjust the number of papers you want to hang on the board.
5 mm
5 stk.
1 stk.
50 stk.
Your strength requirement is
0 kg
Find appropriate magnets here

Magnet calculator - for knife racks

How to use the magnetic calculator: Measure the distance between knife and magnet (the thickness of the layer of wood/cork/fabric/glass/stone between knife and magnet), and write the measurement in mm. in the first column. It is important that the measure is stated after any immersion, as final distance is of great importance for strength loss.
5 mm
1 mm
10 mm
250 g.
1 g
500 g
Dit styrkebehov er
0 kg
Find appropriate magnets here