What are zen magnets?
When selling magnets, it can be difficult to give the products a name that everyone understands, and it is even more difficult to be concise when describing everything they can do.
Magnetic Balls = Zen & NeoCube
The magnetic balls are called zen magnets, NeoCubes and magnetic puzzle. They are all the same kind of magnetic balls, and they should not be confused with ball magnets, which at first seem to be the same, but the difference lies in the strength. Because while you can build with the magnetic zen magnets, you cannot build with magnetic balls, which are far too strong. This is also why they are called power magnets.
It's understandable if it's confusing what the difference is if you don't work with magnets on a daily basis, so if we instead compare it to regular coffee and espresso: regular coffee has lots of caffeine, but it's diluted well. So it takes a lot to achieve the same effect as a small espresso that is more compressed in strength. It is the same with magnetic balls and magnetic balls. The magnetic balls are the espresso and the zen magnets are the regular coffee.
So: both kinds of balls are magnetic, but there is a world of difference in strength.
And if we have to explain it on paper, then we can a magnetic ball keeps the thick pizza menu hanging on the fridge, while the magnetic zen magnets can keep a single piece of paper hanging on the fridge door.