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What is Gauss and what is Gauss used for?

We are often contacted by customers who want magnets with a certain Gauss value. But what is a Gaussian? And how is the value used in relation to strength? We take a closer look at that here.

Gauss is not the same as strength, and therefore we run the risk of talking past each other. And as if that wasn't confusing enough, new Gauss is not the same as old Gauss. To make it more manageable for you, we have collected the most relevant facts in the small sections below.

Gauss in the old days

There was a time when Gauss was the term for a magnetic field strength. However, that changed in 1932, when the term was redefined, and where in the old days you could describe a magnet's strength based on the number of Gauss magnets, today it is misleading. How you should understand the term today, we explain in the next section.

Gauss in recent times

As mentioned, we understand Gauss differently after the term was redefined in 1932. In addition, it is not used only about one thing but a whole two things at the same time. It shouldn't be easy, right? Don't worry, we've got your back.

Firstly, Gauss is used to denote the magnetic field on the surface of a magnet.

Secondly, the unit is used to denote 'The Residual Flux Density'. It sounds more complex than it is, and is simply the magnetic density of a magnet, ignoring the surrounding magnetic field.

Ok, maybe it's still a bit unclear? Gauss is a unit of magnetic field strength.

Here's an example

Try to think of it like a rope: You have a rope that, in principle, can handle a pull of 100 kg ., but it is not certain that the rope will be subjected to a pull of 100 kg. You may only pull on the rope with a pull equivalent to 17 kg. - or maybe you don't pull it at all. Regardless of whether and how much you pull on the rope, it does not change the 'pull value' of the rope itself, which will still be 100 kg.

In the example here, the magnetic density corresponds to the 'pull' of the rope -value' of 100 kg. while the surrounding magnetic field corresponds to how much you as a person pull on the rope measured in kg.

We can conclude that there are many things that come into play , and that it is not quite so simple with the measurement unit Gauss. Because while a magnet with a higher Gauss is stronger than a magnet with a lower Gauss purely magnetically, a large magnet with a low Gauss will be stronger purely in terms of strength than a small magnet with a high Gauss. So it only makes sense to compare Gauss if you have two magnets of the same size, or if you want to achieve something purely magnetic in e.g. an engine. But the size still plays a greater role, as the magnetic surface becomes larger on a larger magnet, and thus the carrying capacity becomes higher, at the same time as the magnetic field is wider (but with the same Gauss). So Gauss is more of a guideline for the strength of magnetism and the magnetic field than it is for the strength itself.

Or put a little more simply:

  • Gauss tells about the performance of the magnetic field and can be the same for many different sizes,
  • Gauss only gives guidelines for the range of the magnet's magnetic field and not the strength itself,
  • The higher the Gauss, the higher the performance of the magnetic field,
  • The larger a magnetic surface or height, the higher the carrying capacity purely in terms of strength, regardless of Gauss
  • At distance, the Gauss is measured as decreasing, but the value in the core of the magnet is constant for +80 years,
  • Difference in Gauss of 2 magnets only makes sense for 2 magnets that are similar in size and shape, where the magnet with the highest Gauss will be the strongest, so you can achieve a stronger "cone" of magnetism.

Can you change or manipulate Gauss?

Just as strength decreases with distance, the same is true for Gauss: the value decreases with distance as the magnetic field "weakens". Distance can be created with air or with e.g. a piece of cloth or wood. That way you can "regulate" the magnet to the value you want. And measurement can be done with a measuring instrument or with a mobile app (see the section on measuring Gauss below).

So if you get information that you need e.g. 1,000 Gauss, but you can only get hold of e.g. 10,000 Gauss, then there is a simple solution to that problem. Put e.g. some gauze or cotton fabric between the magnet and the measuring instrument (or mobile) until you hit 1,000 Gauss.


Kan man ændre eller manipulere med Gauss?

Ligesom styrke mindskes ved afstand, er det samme gældende for Gauss: værdien falder med afstanden, da magnetfeltet "svækkes". Afstand kan skabes med luft eller med f.eks. et stykke stof eller træ. På den måde kan du "regulere" magneten til den værdi, du ønsker. Og måling kan ske med måleinstument eller med en mobil app (se afsnittet om måling af Gauss nedenfor).

Så hvis du får oplysninger om, at du har brug for f.eks. 1.000 Gauss, men du kun kan få fat på f.eks. 10.000 Gauss, så er der en simpel løsning på dét problem. Læg f.eks. noget gazebånd eller bomuldsstof mellem magneten og måleinstrumentet (eller mobilen), indtil du rammer 1.000 Gauss.

Mål Gauss med en mobil app

Ja, der findes efterhånden en app til alt, og du kan selvfølgelig også måle Gauss værdien via din smartphone.

Du kan søge på Gauss der, hvor du henter dine apps til din smartphone. Appen kan hjælpe dig med at måle værdien på din magnet.


Det er ofte personer, der ønsker at bruge magneter til magnetterapi, som spørger os om Gauss. Og hvad er magnetfelt terapi, spørger du? Måske har du hørt om magnet armbånd (også kaldet Gauss armbånd) eller bare magnetsmykker. Der findes en del forskellige af sådanne slags, hvis fællesnævner er, at de skulle styrke kroppens egne funktioner – blandt andet forbedre blodcirkulationen. Vi vil dog gerne understrege, at det er udenfor vores felt, og vi kan desværre hverken anbefale eller fraråde magnetterapi. Det er op til den enkelte, hvad man ønsker at tro på. En udfordring med magnetterapi er imidlertid, at mange tekster bygger på Franz Mesmers skrifter, som er fra 1700-tallet. Og som bekendt blev Gauss omdefineret i 1932.

Vi vil naturligvis hjælpe dig så godt vi kan, hvis du har spørgsmål til valg af magneter ift. magnetterapi. Bl.a. ved vi, at de fleste inden for magnetterapi bruger N45 magneter - beskrevet i eksemplet ovenfor med en Gauss værdi på 13200-13700. Men vi kan desværre ikke gå ind i den direkte effekt ved magnetterapi, da vores ekspertise ligger generelt på magneter og det teoretiske omkring magnetisme - ikke så meget på brug af magneter, der går udover gængs praksis. Men vi tester meget gerne for dig eller giver dig den viden, vi har fra andre kunder på området. Så længe det ikke går ud over aftaler om diskretion eller produktpatenter - men det er samtidig din sikkerhed for, at vi heller ikke fortæller andre om dine projekter, hvis du opfinder noget "hemmeligt" med magneter som en væsentlig del af dit produkt.