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Magnetic whiteboard board

Our strength is magnets - but we also have a lot of experience with whiteboard boards, so here you get our best tips for choosing the right magnetic whiteboard

Before you buy a new whiteboard

Before you go out and invest in a new whiteboard, there are some things you should consider (whether you will use it for an office or in your own home). Here's a list of the things you should at least think about - we'll go into each point just below the list: 

  1. What will you use it for?
  2. Where Does it have to be strong?
  3. How big does it have to be?
  4. Does it have to be of high quality? 

What will you use the whiteboard for?

It is important that you think about your needs: do you just need to write messages on it? Or should papers and pictures be hung on it with magnets?

There are 3 different types of whiteboard surfaces: ceramic, melamine (plastic foil) and lacquered steel. The most durable is with ceramic enamel - but it's very smooth so it's best for writing needs and trickier for magnets as they slide down easily. Next comes lacquered steel, and it depends on the thickness and quality of the lacquer, how good it is to write on, but it is, on the other hand, fantastic for magnets. And finally, there is melamine surface, which is the most affordable and which covers most people's needs, but it can be a little more difficult to clean when you write on it, and purely magnetic it is a piece from whiteboards with lacquered steel.

Therefore: If you are looking for a good writing board, the ceramic one is preferable. If you're looking more for a magnetic board, consider lacquered steel. And if your need is just a bit of everything, without it being too fancy, and at the same time not doing so much with shadows from wiped whiteboard markers, then you can just settle for a whiteboard with a melamine surface. 

Whiteboard eraser

Above we mentioned briefly that there can be challenges in wiping a whiteboard completely clean if the surface is not ceramic. We have tried a few different methods for cleaning your whiteboard:

  • Kitchen roll and window cleaner
  • Whiteboard wiper with paper
  • Whiteboard wiper with felt
  • li>

Let's start with the first 2: you get far with paper and window cleaner - but rarely far with a whiteboard wiper with paper alone. But it can also be hard on the surface of your blackboard, as there are chemicals in window cleaner, and paper / paper towels can make small scratches on the blackboard. That's why we quickly skip to the last one: the ultimate best is a Whiteboard Eraser with felt. And that is for the simple reason that whiteboard markers are made to write on blackboards and be wiped off again, and therefore there is no need for chemistry and paper but just a piece of felt. 

Best whiteboard markers

There are many good whiteboard markers. We have chosen to carry it from Edding and Legamaster, because they are thoroughly tested and do not clatter. And they don't smell bad either, as many whiteboard markers tend to do. 

You will find our best-selling products for whiteboards here:

Mere info om magnetiske whiteboards

Ovenstående er naturligvis ikke udtømmende information omkring whiteboards, men du er godt klædt på til at købe en tavle ved at læse vores guide til køb af magnetiske whiteboard tavler. Ofte får man ikke meget FAQ med, når man køber et magnetisk whiteboard - dette uanset om du køber online eller i en almindelig butik. Og det skyldes ikke, at de ikke ved noget om deres produkter - som regel er man jo rimelig godt klædt på med viden omkring de produkter man sælger. Men det skyldes, at sælgere sjældent har sat sig ind i det fulde behov, som kunderne har, når de søger en whiteboard tavle. For det er ikke lige meget, hvilken version man vælger; men derimod behovsafdækning. 

Vi håber, at du gør digde 4 overvejelser(hvad skal den bruges til, styrkebehov rent magnetisk, størrelse og kvalitet), inden du køber en tavle. Uanset om du køber den hos os eller et andet sted. For det giver sig selv med størrelsesbehovet (som dog kan ændre sig, men alligevel har man en god idé om dette fra start af). Men det er ikke alle, som tænker over det med skrivetavle vs. magnettavle. Så vi håber, at det har sat nogle tanker igang hos dig, sådan så du kan ramme rigtigt med køb af whiteboard i første huk. 

Magneter til whiteboards

Vores helt store passion er magneter. Og da man ofte skal bruge magneter til sit whiteboard, har vi også sat os ind i magnetisme i forhold til brug af magneter på whiteboard tavler. I den forbindelse har vi lavet en hel kategori med de mest anvendte kontormagneter til whiteboards.Se alle whiteboard magneter her.