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Is my Weber grill magnetic?

Yes! Your weber grill is magnetic.

If you are in a hurry, the quick answer is above, but if you have time, be inspired by various fun hacks for your weber grill - or your Charbroil grill (because it's also magnetic) - so hang on a little longer, because now it's going to be fun.

You don't have to buy all original Weber accessories to be able to join on these hacks. We just have to emphasize that we are mega Weber fans ourselves, so we have most of the accessories original here in the office... we just modified it with stronger magnets (and made non-magnetic things magnetic). But the cheap grill accessories can also be used.

Here are our 3 best hacks with magnets for grills:

1. Retaining the grill cover

Make sure your grill cover doesn't fly away - 3 rubber magnets are the solution, as they can keep your grill cover fixed to the grill lid, even when it's windy. But remember that the grill must be cold before you put your cover on - both for the sake of the fabric but also for the sake of the magnets, which can withstand up to 80 degrees.

2. Magnetic grill suspension

Another smart grill accessory is suspension for your equipment - i.e. palette, sausage tongs, etc. As your Weber grill is magnetic, you can put magnetic hooks or rubber magnets on the side of the grill, so you have the equipment close at hand. However, you must place it on surfaces that do not get very hot during the grilling, as the magnets cannot withstand heat above 80 degrees. It is therefore not possible to attach equipment with magnets to your barbecue while you are grilling, as the heat will be too high on the lid.

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3. Magnetisk grill tilbehør

Meget grilludstyr er magnetisk fra start. Men da vi er meget nørdet inde for magnetisme, er det (naturligvis) slet ikke magnetisk nok for os. Et eksempel er et grill termometer med magnet i. Det er super smart - men ikke særligt magnetisk. Man skal ofte placere det meget nøjsomt, for at det sætter sig ordentligt fast på grillen og ikke drejer rundt en omgang.

Løsning: en stærk powermagnet i bunden. Vi har selv brugt denne:13x1 mm. powermagnet. Den kan dog kun bruges, hvis du skal forstærke den eksisterende magnet i dit grilltermometer. Hvis dit termometer ikke er magnetisk fra start, skal du bruge en lidt stærkere magnet - men styrken afhænger af, hvor tungt dit termometer er. Du skal dog være opmærksom på, at magneten ikke må sidde helt op ad elektronikken i dit digitale termometer - og det er derfor vigtigt, at du sætter en metalplade eller andet på under magneten, hvis dit digitale termometer ikke er født med en afstandsklods, som de magnetiske iGrill termometre er.