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Avoid parking bumps

We sell magnetic tape for many different purposes, but did you know that you can also use it as protection against parking bumps and against scratches in the car at the ferry crossing?

Use e.g. our wide magnetic strip 150 mm., which is firmly attached to the side of your car and is wide enough to protect against scratches from most types of car that might park next to you.

Is your car magnetic?

If you have a VW Lupo, a newer Mercedes or another car that is made of aluminum, then unfortunately you cannot use this trick. You can test the magnetism in your car by taking a fridge magnet: if the fridge magnet sticks to the car, magnetic tape will too. But remember to test the part of the car you want to put the magnetic strip on, as there may be places on your car that are made of plastic.


Hvordan vi fik idéen

Måske kender du det selv, men Magnet-Mia var på en færgeoverfart fra Ystad til Rønne, hvor der blev proppet mange flere biler ind, end hun lige kunne overskue i forhold til rent faktisk at kunne komme ind og ud af bilen. Og så var der så det med ridser oveni hatten - ikke noget man ønsker på sin bil, hvis man er lidt øm omkring lakken. Og her opstod tanken så om at bruge magnetbånd.

Med udgangspunkt i, hvor Citroen Cactus har placeret sidepanelerne, så blev det testet af, hvor andre biler har et "kritisk" punkt i en parkeringssituation - dvs. hvor de oftest kan ramme de andre parkerede biler, og punktet lige under dørhåndtaget virker rigtig godt.